Francesco Paolo Scipriani

Born: 1678
Died: 1753
Education: From 1693, Francesco Supriani was one of the early virtuosos on the cello as a student of the Neapolitan “Conservatorio della Piéta dei Turchini”
Career: He was the author of a handwritten, didactically designed collection of toccatas for this instrument with an explanatory introduction

From 1693, Francesco Supriani was one of the early virtuosos on the cello as a student of the Neapolitan “Conservatorio della Piéta dei Turchini.” He was the author of a handwritten, didactically designed collection of toccatas for this instrument with an explanatory introduction, the “Principij da imparare a suonare il violoncello e con 12 toccate a solo” from 1720, which was written by the musicologist and cellist Luigi Silva (1903– 1961) were rediscovered and published in the library of the “Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella” in Naples. In this work, Scipriani uses the fifth position, as well as the bass and tenor clefs, right from the start.